Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today went by quickly. It was nice. :)

This weekend I got a little webcam from Dad. It is supposed to be for a laptop and so doesn't work well with my computer yet, but it's been nice. It also takes movies. So I made one of Flurry. She did a really good job the first ten seconds, after that it gets boring.

Hmm, I tried to load it but it doesn't seem to like it for some reason. It isn't that long (about a minute) but maybe that is too long for this. I don't have any video editing software to chop off the last part though, so I guess we're out of luck this time. :(


Han said...

I was having trouble posting videos as well. Rachel (sis-in-law) told me to upload the videos on Google video. Once they are uploaded, you can post them into your blog.

Amanda said...

It keeps telling me that the connection reset after about 1 sec. Any ideas?

Amanda said...

Oh, I'm dumb. I need to use the desktop downloader.

Han said...

Your webcam must have better resolution than the video on my camera--none of the videos I have up yet are large enough to require the desktop downloader. I will have to try that feature this weekend. I look forward to your first video post! :)