Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday: our morning

While Ben and I were getting ready this morning, Flurry was in the bathroom with us. This is normal; there's water in the bathroom. Suddenly we hear her loud there-is-a-bug-it-has-to-die meow. It was rather surprising, since this is winter and there are no bugs. We look and she is pacing by the wall near the window.

She had found a nail.

She was so sure it was a bug though! Ben held her up so that she could feel it, which only sort of convinced her. She stopped pacing and meowing, but continued to keep her eye on it.

Then the smoke alarm went off. This surprised me a bit since there was no smoke and I thought we had just changed that battery. I hurried over and smelled, but there was nothing to be smelled. It started beeping once in a while so I knew it was just a battery thing.

Except it followed me to work.

It was my pager.