Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursdsay: what a day

what a day, what a day. I knew it was going to be busy. We're pushing to have a lot of stuff done by 3:59am Monday morning. (ok, so we won't actually be working Sunday night, but you get the idea). Anyway, it brings us to a big milestone and we really need some good press. So I'm going along, doing my thing, thinking it is busy but handlable. Then someone comes and says we also need this other thing to be done. Oh really, I was told (not just under the impression but told) we weren't doing it...we ended up doing it. It isn't a very big thing to finish up, but it meant that I needed to scramble to get some guys going on it. In the middle of this I completely forgot about my doctors appointment. I felt bad about that.

It was a long and exciting day, so now I'm going to go to bed at 9. I'll probably read for a little bit, but I don't know how long I'll last...

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