Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday: bittersweet

Layoffs were today. Ben and I still have our jobs (yay). However, a lot of people that we know and one person that we would consider an outside of work friend were laid off. I expect both of us will end up doing a lot of interacting with these people over the next few weeks which could be awkward.

I'm sure in a few days we'll be back to our normal selves, but in the meantime we're a bit bummed. We're still anxiously awaiting news on one more friend too, but he was on vacation so we haven't heard anything.


Cheryl said...

Glad to know you both have your jobs but I would imagine the whole atmosphere there is a bit unusual for everyone.

Jess said...

Yay for having jobs! I guess we will find out when Clay goes in.

Zachary and Jennifer said...

I have had some cuts at my workplace in the past year too. It is always makes a strange/tense environment for everyone staying and leaving. I am glad you guys still have your jobs.
