Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday: Frolf

Today we had a sandwich-luck following by some team Frisbee golf. It was a great night. The sandwich-luck worked well, although we were almost short on cheese and had a lot of tomatoes. Ah, but that's part of the fun of potlucks, right? Sometimes you end up with a lot of one thing and not enough of something important.

Then we played team Frisbee golf, which tends to work pretty well because it evens out the good and not-so-good throwers. I think I would have had a blast as a photographer, because we were having so much fun...faces when the Frisbee rolls under four rows of picnic benches, Rebekah arching over a creek to get a Frisbee, Clay showing his son the "carnivorous" plants, Luke hanging like a monkey, and the confusion as to why there is confusion about which gate we were aiming for. Ah, fun times with great friends.

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