Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday: Amanda

There's another Amanda in the place where I'm working right now. This is one of the first times that I've had to deal with someone else having my same first name and I do not like it. There was another Amanda in high school, but I don't recall having any classes together.

What is interesting is how much of a conversation you suddenly recall over-hearing once your name gets said, even if you weren't intentionally listening and wouldn't have remembered the conversation at all if your name wasn't part of it.

1 comment:

Zachary and Jennifer said...

I know what you mean. There are 2 other Jennifers now at my workplace and as soon as my ears pick up on my name, I am suddenly paying attention when most likely it has nothing to do with me. And it is too late to go by Jen or Jenny at work now to differentiate. I also do find it odd when I have to address someone else using my name too.