Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday: ramblings

Today was a pretty normal Sunday for us.  We went to church.  The last several weeks have been about social injustice.  The reality of how much we have, take for granted, and think we need has really hit home.

After that we bought some new shoes.  No, the irony of sitting through a church service talking about how much we have and then buying new shoes was not lost on me.  (Is irony the correct word?)  (We also made Christmas lists tonight.  I've been thinking of things all year and trying to do a better job of writing them down when I thought of them so I felt like we had longer lists (i.e., more to choose from) for once...but again, here was a list of things that I would like when I don't need any of it.)

Isaac and I took naps, Ben and I played darts, we all played times.

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