Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday: sleep

Ah, more sleep stories from our household.

Isaac slept until almost 8am this morning.  It meant that I woke up all cheery and proceeded to talk Ben's ear off.  First we talked about my elbow that I had really banged on the door frame last night while going to check on Isaac.  It didn't bruise, but it hurts enough to feel like it should have.  Then I told him about my dream about saving a short (~2foot) person from drowning in a sink.  And this random person that thought I should be wearing more make-up.  She said she spent 45 minutes to 4 hours getting ready.  I thought that was hilarious, but she proceeded to cake on her make-up.  Then she painted her ankles with makeup.  It was with a clever paint roller that managed to get paint smoothed on even with all the bumps in ankles.

Then Isaac took a 2.5 hour nap.  He woke up after a half hour and so I had to go help. :(  We ended up napping on the couch for the rest of the time.  The couch is really comfy for sleeping with a baby.  It fits just right.

Of course, he had a hard time getting to sleep too.

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