Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday: could have been better

Let's face it; today could have been better.  It could have been worse.  It was one of those days were all the little things annoyed me more than they should have.

*Flurry had a vet appointment and got a clean bill of health.  However, she had a stinky accident on the way home and it got all over her.
*I was expecting more training pants in the diaper delivery.  (But...Isaac only had one accident today!  That included an hour at the gym.  If he can keep that up we'll be fine.)
*The Subaru's license plate renewal went to the last address we lived at.  We did a change of address with the Secretary of State shortly after we moved.  The Toyota's license plate renewal worked fine.  I called them up, expecting something like "oh yeah, that's a known problem.  I can change it for you since I see that there is a discrepancy."  No, I got this: "yeah, that's a known problem.  You need to go into the nearest branch and fill out the paperwork.  You can't do it on-line.  And you can't do it for your husband unless you have a notarized paper saying you can."  Why are there two address databases for one government office?  I think I'm just going to put a yearly reminder on the calendar to renew the license plate.
*The dinner I decided to have didn't really sound good, but I wasn't sure what else to make.

Mostly little things, but it just wasn't working today.

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