Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

We didn't do much for the evening, really.  We did pass out candy, but didn't get a ton of people since it was raining.  We dressed Isaac up in his Winnie-the-Pooh costume...could he be any cuter??

Ben and Isaac visited four houses.  I'm pretty sure that the highlight of Isaac's evening was playing with the candy.  He put it in his bag.  He took it out of his bag.  He gave it to Ben.  He gave it to me.

By the end of the night he had also figured out that he could get candy too any time people came to the door.  He never really got the "trick or treat" part down, but he was good at please and thank you.

(Here he was last year...not even able to walk.  The costume fit much better this year.)

edit: I just found out that the highlight of the evening was actually when Ben would open the umbrella back up between houses.  The pop of the umbrella opening after Ben pushed the button was super funny.

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