Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday: Flurry and the counter

Flurry is not allowed on the kitchen counter.  I wouldn't say that it is the only rule that we have for her, but it is a high priority rule for us.  Lately we've been having trouble with her going on the counter a lot.  (I think it is because there is yogurt there in the morning.  She and Isaac share a passion for yogurt.)

So we finally got a spray bottle.  I got the bottle on Monday and was a little disappointed that she didn't misbehave until today.  I squirted her.  She looked at me with such surprise!  I squirted her again, perversely enjoying it.  She looked at me with disgust.  I squirted her again, barely able to contain my glee.  She jumped off the counter.  And didn't jump back on.

Also, things that we never expected to say:
"Apples don't belong in your hair."
"Don't hammer Flurry"

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