Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday: pants

I'm sure you've all been anxiously awaiting the conclusion to the story i started this morning...who would go through more pants today?

I went through more pants, with a total of two. The second pair had to be changed because of slush and they were just way too wet to wear. Isaac only went through one pair of pants due to puddles...we worked on the end of the driveway a bit and the puddles were just too much fun to stay out of. And once you go in one you might as well go in a lot.

So somewhat surprisingly Isaac didn't have any accidents today. That's not a foregone conclusion these days, even though he's been getting better on the toilet. It probably happens only 33% of the time with 33% of accidents happening near bedtime when he's tired and the other third at random times. He's told me about twice before he needs to go to the bathroom...he could still work on that but it at least shows that he's getting the idea!

In other news, because I'm sure you don't really care that much about Isaac and the bathroom, he went to bed early tonight. About ten minutes before bath time I told him it was almost time and he was ready to go! Then he took a really short bath, even when I told him he'd have to go to bed if he got out. And after reading our two books I asked him if he wanted to get in the crib. Usually he says no and we cuddle for a few more minutes, but today he said yes. I didn't think we did anything to wear him out so much today, but I guess he was tired!

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