Friday, March 2, 2018

Joshua: 41, 42, and 43 months

We're doing a catch up here.  I've taken pictures the last three months, I just haven't posted them.  The text will be about current things, since I can't remember month to month changes.

41 months:

 Imagination: This boy has a wonderful imagination!  He got a fire house for Christmas and has used it a ton.  I try to put it away periodically, but it usually comes back out within two hours.  The conversations that the people have are hilarious, although I don't have any specific examples.  He also made a house out of Duplos for Grey Bear a few days ago and used lava to keep the bed warm.

School: He loves 'home days' more than 'school days' but never puts up a fight about going to school.  I think he has a good time there, although he's not really picking up any letters.  (We're not helping that at home, though either.)  His counting is good.  He knows the names of all his classmates and I sometimes get stories about them, which is much different from Isaac.  Mack and Clyde may be his 'best friends' but I'm not sure that means much.

42 months:

On his brother: He loves his brother and would do stuff all day with him if possible.  (After school today they were playing some game where Joshua was the cow and Isaac was teaching/directing him on what to do.  At one point Joshua walked over to the learning area, so they both sat on the chairs for science time.  Isaac was going to teach Joshua how to make a potion that would give him boosters so he could break out of his pen.)  Times without Isaac are a bit harder...he does a good job playing, but would obviously rather play with me.

Favorites: Legos, Duplos, donuts, pajamas, Grey Bear, Monkey, screen time (although often watching something), music, reading.

43 months:

On getting dressed: Joshua despises changing his clothes.  A few times he's mentioned that it's because he's cold, although he also says this when he has no clothes on so it's hard to tell.  I'll ask him to change his clothes and he'll immediately fall to the floor and say, "I'm wobbly!" or "I can't get up!" or other obviously untrue statement.  I've started making him get dressed right away, before breakfast, because it seems to make it just a tiny bit better.  Getting his pajamas on is a bit better, but not much.  For the most part I ignore him.  I've told him my expectations; if he doesn't get dressed and there is a time limit I will put him in the car in whatever state he's in.  (It hasn't gotten to that yet though.)  If there isn't a time limit then he can choose what to do with his time.

On clothes: Joshua likes soft pants and no picture shirts the best, although there are a few picture shirts that he likes to wear.

Overall, Joshua is a very fun and imaginative boy.  He still likes his cuddles which is super nice.

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