Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday: Joshua

We were reading a Star Wars book...sort of...and I found out that Joshua thinks Yoda is a turtle. :D

Yesterday Ben came home and Joshua immediately asked if [Ben] had gone by the Bear Castle.  Ben said no, but asked what would have happened if he did.  To which Joshua responded that bears would have been chasing him.  (Note: this is what normally happens after we pass the Bear Castle.)

image from here

Today we went by the Bear Castle. 
Ben: Joshua, do you see what we're going by?
Joshua, in an ominous voice: Bear Castle
Joshua: Isaac, how many bears are chasing us?
Isaac: One thousand.

This is a fairly regular conversation too.  Joshua gets to decide what is in the castle (he always chooses bears) and Isaac gets to decide how many are chasing us.  We tend to throw bombs at them to get rid of them.

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