Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday: responsible

Yesterday I was thinking of all the animals that I'm actively responsible for...

1.5 adult humans
2 small humans
2 cats
1 adult fish
9 small fish
1 bird feeder
2 totes of worms

Now, many of the animals don't really take much effort.  However, I saw a woodpecker at our bird feeder yesterday and immediately thought, "we should get a suet feeder!"  So yeah, I did.  Hopefully the woodpecker comes back.  What's one more bird feeder to take care of?

As for the day in pictures...

We got Christmas ice cream for Joshua as a Christmas present from Aunt C.  He loved it and told me every time he got a piece of candy cane.  (Side note: I don't like peppermint ice cream and so this somewhat mystified me.)

We went to a sing-a-long at Isaac's school.  We didn't get to sit with Isaac, as expected, but we did get to wave to him quite a bit and take him home a few minutes early.  His class all had elf hats, so it was easy to spot them in the crowded gym.

Joshua and Horizon cuddled on Ben's lap.

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