Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday: Snow day 5618

Isaac had a snow day today.  I had mixed feelings...it messed up my morning, but he only had a half day anyway and that would have messed up my morning quite a bit too.  Parent teacher conferences were also canceled...I wanted to do the conference, but it did make the day more manageable.  I even cooked an actual dinner. (Cashew chicken)

Isaac and I went to karate in the evening.  We ended up testing for the next level up, yellow stripe.  We weren't really ready for it, but they wanted to move us into the next group because a lot of the moves are very similar.  Anyway, I think we did a really good job for only having been yellow belts for a few weeks.  Our basic actions were pretty good because we've had quite a bit of practice with those, and our form was ok.  The instructor said our turns were good, and they're rather confusing.

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