Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday: stuff is getting done

Well, since I got up way to early this morning I was able to get quite a few things done before the boys got up.  Ben woke up not much after me and went into work super early, as he knew he'd need a nap in the afternoon too.

After we dropped off Isaac we made a quick run to the grocery store.  It felt a bit weird not having a large list, but since we weren't here last week we didn't have much we needed to get.  Once we got home I remembered that our tree had fallen down while we were gone.  It needed to be dealt with, especially since the top was in the neighbor's lawn.  So Joshua and I got to work.  (Luckily, my triangle made it fall exactly where I wanted it to fall.)

Joshua did a variety of things.  He did some clipping, some sawing, a lot of sawdust blowing, and some stacking.

We found two birds' nests.

This is his leaf wall.  When he was done sawing and clipping he started making this wall.  It had a whole story about how mice would be able to get in but not get out because he was closing all the holes.  I wasn't sure how to tell him that wouldn't work (for so many reasons), so I just went with it.

We surprised the boys with the Legos we brought home.  (Yes, there are a lot.)  They had to turn around while we put them on the bed, so the pictures are from them turning around.  Which reminds me, a few people asked why a person would want more than one of a set.  There are multiple reasons, but there seem to be two main ones.  1) They want one set to build and one set to keep unopened as a collector's item.  2) They are building something that requires a specific piece(s) from a set and the easiest way to get the pieces is to buy multiple of the set.

Obviously, it was then time to build some sets!  Ben and Isaac started the train set.  (We're missing bag's probably in a different box due to packing methods.  Luckily, it was just a forklift so they could go onto the next bag.)

Joshua elected to start his Ninjago set and he was excited about every single aspect of it.  The stickers, the wing-things, the trans orange rock, the second trans orange rock, how it went together, the pictures on the box, etc. etc.  It was awesome.

I started the Lego House tree.  But there are no pictures.  Also, I'm getting tired.  I took one short nap this morning; Joshua and I played the Sleeping Game.  I played worse than normal though, because I fell asleep too quickly.  Then I had a nice nap in the afternoon with only a few interruptions.  But at the same time, I haven't slept all that much the last few nights, so it's catching up with me.

1 comment:

betsy said...

How fun for your boys! And good answer about duplicate sets!