Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday: travel

Today was a travel day.  Sad to spend most of the day traveling, but necessary. 

Let's start with the water in Iceland.  Ben read somewhere that the biggest complaint of it is that it was too much like nothing.  So we tried it again, while really thinking about the water.  Yup...it tastes like nothing.  Just some cold wet in your mouth.  A bit of an odd sensation, when you're really thinking about it.

Our hotel room right before leaving...

We got downstairs a bit early and our driver showed up a minute later.  Everything had been on the early side, which was really nice.  Luggage drop off was a breeze, although it did take a little bit of thinking.  Ben did the self-check which also printed out luggage tags.  I find that the annoying part in the US...if you have bags self check seems a bit pointless.  Anyway, our flight out was a half hour late. :(  We were both rather tired from having slept poorly last night.  (This is in contrast to the previous night, when we slept for 11 hours and woke up to an alarm.)

We got to Copenhagen, walked the entire length of the airport, found out that food is only in the middle of the airport, walked half way back, and then back to our gate.  We had a lot of questions about the airport.  What were these glass-enclosed areas with chairs in them that no one seemed allowed to sit in?  Why didn't our gate have chairs?  (There were a few big benches and a lot of empty space.)  I kept thinking the picture below was a UFO landing right outside.  I know it's crazy, but the shape and the spinning just kept having me think that.

We got to Billund and started looking for taxis.  We encountered another couple who was looking about as lost as we were...not really lost yet, but unsure as to what to do next.  They're also on the Lego tour and so we shared a van ride with them to the hotel.  They're from Australia and we ran into them again as we were exploring the hotel.

I took a lot of hotel pictures.  I do love the decor of Lego hotels.

This is a map of the distance from the hotel to the lego house.  It is measured in meters, mini-figure steps, kid steps, and T-rex steps.

The back of our hotel.  We're the top room on the right.

We had several discussions about this sign.  Don't feed the dragon ham and apples?  Don't throw ham and apples at the dragon?  Don't eat apples, ham, and dragons?  What you do think?

1 comment:

betsy said...

That looks like a really cool place!!!