Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday: exhausted

Well, yesterday was one busy day.  I woke up at 4am.  (Today I woke up at 5am, so based on the trend I'll be back to normal by Friday.  We found it easier going to other way since we pretty much just missed a night of sleep.)  Although it's a bit annoying waking up so early, I also get a lot done before the boys wake up!  I'm a morning worker.  I've known this for a while, but since we've had kids it doesn't always work very well.  (This also means I'm a night not-worker, which is when I relax and do my hobbies.  It's also important.)

Anyway.  After all the work at home and went to real work.  I picked up the boys and dealt with construction by Isaac's school.  The internet said they're repaving the road and "it might be some time" before it's done.  At home I continued my work, because there's a lot to do.  I brought Isaac to karate, I made dinner, I went to karate.  I ate dinner while crashing and reading and directing children.  I did some of my computer work.

And then I crashed.  Completely.  I went to sleep at the same time as the boys.  I don't even remember moving my book back to the night stand.  I do remember Ben coming to bed, but that was about all.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Ah jet lag! I don't miss that part of work travel although I eventually had my system down (including when to pop sleeping pills for the first 2 days home to get back on track) ;)