Saturday, July 31, 2021


 We had a belated yummy breakfast for Joshua's birthday.  I was about to open the roll of cinnamon rolls when Isaac asked if I wanted him to do it.  Yes!  Absolutely!  He was so thoughtful...and he jumped when it popped, so I felt justified in my fear of opening them.

Joshua managed to outgrow all of his clothes at once.  He still loves them, but I look at them and realize they're way to small.  So I finally went to the basement to get Isaac's old clothes and switched out a whole bunch.  I also made him pick 10 of the t-shirts because there were just too many.  I added a few and while he still has plenty of t-shirts, I'm hoping he'll periodically enjoy the ones on the bottom and have a cleaner closet.  I will admit, there were a few 24M/2T shorts that got a lot of use!

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