Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday: birthday party

It was another day of running around...and an appointment had even been canceled!  It's nice having the boys at home one at a time, but I haven't been in and out of the car this much in a year.  We got to Hope a bit early so watched the construction for many minutes until it was time to drop of Joshua.

Isaac made a solar oven.  It wasn't very sunny though, so it didn't seem to work well today.  (He then made another one at science camp.  The parent info sheet gave an option to make one at home, so I was rather surprised by this.  Isaac said he knew it was going to happen though, so then who really cares I guess?)

Joshua's possibly-scary dentist appointment went better than I expected.  There is one big cavity, but the others the dentist mentioned don't need work at this point.  I gave Joshua the option of some laughing gas (although I called it sleepy medicine) or laughing gas plus some additional sleepy medicine and he chose the latter.  Probably a good choice.

Then Dad came over and helped Joshua with his streamers.  It was cute.

Joshua chose taco salad for his dinner.  Not what I was expecting, but happy to oblige!  It did end up delicious.  Some presents, some cheesecake, and ta-da!  Another successful birthday party.  (You can't tell from the pictures, but we had left the light-up sticker on his shirt from the bounce house birthday party.  So he put the shirt back on for the sticker.)

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