Showing posts with label child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday evening: why do you hate me?

Sunday nights make me throw up.


Only Sunday nights.

It's annoying.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tuesday: The News

Ben and I are happy to announce that we are having a baby.

A baby! We're excited and scared at the same time.

I've been writing blog posts about it for a while now and just published them. You can follow the label "child" below or just click here.

I am due January 3rd. It was a pretty rough 1st trimester, but things are slowly improving. The last two weeks (including vacation) were better, although I'm still having some sickness. My pants are getting rather tight and if I have long enough shirts I've just been leaving the top button undone. I got a belly band but it is a bit uncomfortable and tight. I might try again if my pants actually start falling down or I'm wearing a short shirt. We are going to find out the gender, but I'm not sure if that is going to be the end of July or the end of August. I think that is really all the information that I have.

Here's a picture of the tiny bump from last week. You have to squint a little bit :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday: first thing that doesn't fit

My brown skirt is the first item of clothing that officially doesn't fit. My jeans have been periodically tight (although I now haven't worn them for several days) but still fit. The skirt was not going to close or even come close to closing...unless it was at my true waist, which is not really comfortable.

luckily, I had a plan. It had been too big when I bought it, so I had put two darts in it. I just removed the darts. Yay

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

wednesday: what I was going to say

I remember what I was going to say on Monday...that the last few weeks have given me a deeper appreciation of what is like to live with chronic pain. I know that I was (am) going through is just acute pain, but it sure was annoying but at least there was an end in sight. But to hurt like that and not have it be for a good reason or have an would be dreadful.

I thought about writing about some of my dark thoughts, but then decided to leave them buried. Everyone has their own dark thoughts...I don't need to add mine to your pile.

Tuesday: doctors appt

I had my 13 week doctors appointment today. I like my OB...she's nice and rather down to Earth.

anyway, I lost some weight again so she nicely told me that I need to eat more. oh, that was another reason I went to the get some Cheerios. The baby's heartbeat was 161 and there so a bunch of static on the doppler which apparently means that it was moving around a lot.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday: what was I going to say?

Hmm...I had a plan on what I was going to write tonight, but I've completely forgotten what it was.

So let's see...I want to thank Cheryl for getting groceries for us last week. The last few weeks were really rough and coming home to groceries, a clean kitchen, and flowers was awesome.

Today I got really dizzy. So much that I was even dizzy while sitting down so I went to the bathroom so I could put I head in between my knees. Oof. After 10 minutes I got up and was doing ok though.

I was going to take some of my medicine this morning only to find out that I had grabbed an empty packet. I ended up ok, but it was a little scary. Maybe good for me, but I would rather have had my medicine.

When I got home tonight I actually had some energy. It was crazy. I made my muffins (the batter was already made), two emails were sent out, I cleaned some of the kitchen, and started another load of wash. I know that doesn't necessary sound difficult, but I'm pretty sure it's more than I've done the last several weekends.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday: sick

I am really, really sick of being sick. I'm in my twelfth week! I thought I was supposed to be all better by now.

Ben still has high hopes I'll be better by vacation; I'm not so sure.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday: two toilets

I need two toilets right next to each other. One to throw up into and one to pee in while I throw up. My bladder control is rapidly disappearing when I throw up.

Edit: my OB told me to cross my legs. this seems like a much easier solution than installing another toilet.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday: 200 days left

Today there are 200 days left. Thats still a long time.

I feel like I popped a little bit today. My jeans suddenly weren't as comfortable...I guess only the future will tell if I'm imagining it or not.

I also made my first mess at the toilet. I made it to the toilet, but was trying to tell myself that I didn't need to throw up and so didn't have the lid open. I tried to clean it up but Ben lovingly finished as I just couldn't do it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday: a lime

Apparently (haha, that has the word parent in it) I have a child the size of a lime inside me. Whenever I look at pictures of the human body with the skin removed it always looks so full. How can a lime (and whatever else has grown) fit inside me and I can barely tell? I guess we're all fuller of hot air than I expected.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday: maybe a record

I haven't thrown up at all today. I know there's still 1.5 hours left to go of today and I'm only feeling ok, but I'm hopeful. It would be the first time in about three weeks..Ok, I now need to stop thinking about throwing up.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday: vitamins

My OB said I could take Flintstone vitamins instead of prenatal vitamins. I immediately latched onto that idea because I love Flintstone vitamins. they taste so good and remind me of my childhood. And so I keep taking them instead of the swallow prenatal ones...and I haven't had to taste them a second time (yet) which is also a huge bonus!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday: donut day

Today is national donut day. And donuts currently sound disgusting. how sad is that???????????????????????????

Friday: throwing up - TMI

WARNING: this one really is gross. You may want to skip it.

I started taking my new medicine yesterday and it is good. but I need to try and ration it so that it will last the whole month, which ends up being about a half pill per day. The effects last for about eight hours.

so it wore off after work today and I had a headache. I don't know if it from the medicine or general life. But I went to throw up and whatever I had had was really bitter. So my throat closed off and a little bit came out my nose. Gross. and I was trying to get my hair back in a pony tail and things were just not going well.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday: in reveiew

So this week wasn't much better than last week. Some days I kept most food down, some days I kept no food down. And seriously...throwing up is hard work. I'm always exhausted after the bigger ones.

But in better news, I had I first real OB appt today. And I got an ultrasound!! I wasn't sure I was going to get one. The head is on the right, the legs on the left, and the bright spot is part of the umbilical cord. The length measured around 9w0d and the heartbeat was 180...high but normal. And the legs were kicking all around!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday: I guess I was tired

So after Dominion we got home around 6:30. Ben and I were reading in bed, but I decided to take a nap because I was so tired. Three and a half hours later (10:15) I finally woke up. I continued reading and whatnot, waiting for Ben to come to bed. He came to bed a little later than normal, but it worked well. So I was asleep again around 1am. I woke up briefly when Ben got up for work and got some raspberries, but was feeling tired so I thought I'd just close my eyes. When they finally opened again at 10:45 I was rather surprised. I guess I needed a lot of extra sleep.

Saturday: telling more people

Today we told most of the rest of the family (sorry Nathan). In the morning we surprised Dad and Pat at their house, saying that we stopped by because Ben had to get some recordings in the car. But they were obviously very happy once we told them. I didn't really have a cool way to tell them.

Then we told Ben's siblings while waiting for the pizza to arrive...Ben brought up how it was nice to see the room where Autumn had been born since we'll be there in January. It was fun to watch the faces as they comprehended what Ben just said.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday: a first time for everything II

Today was also the first day we told anyone we were pregnant. We went to a movie (Fast Five) with Larry and Cheryl and then out to dinner. In the movie one of the women is pregnant and so Ben goes...

"Well, they did get some things in that movie correct. Like how morning sickness isn't just in the morning, as we've been finding out recently."

They were pretty excited. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday: ugh

So yesterday I wasn't feeling too bad. The afternoon wasn't great, but besides that I was feeling pretty good. Not so today...

I woke up and soon started to dry heave and fart at the same time. It was almost funny. I finally got some food in me and went to the grocery store. I was exhausted half way through getting groceries. Oh my goodness. Luckily I found a bench so I sat on it for a while. The store also didn't have dried apricots, which I thought was odd. I was feeling rather useless, but the argument didn't hold much weight (even with me) since I had managed to get groceries and go to the bank.

The rest of the afternoon didn't go very well either. Lunch came all back up. I started crying near the end of the day only to realize that I was hungry. I got crackers and peanut butter (which hasn't given me problems yet) and that helped a lot. A hungry Amanda is a sad Amanda.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday: seven

Happy seven weeks!

I keep thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner and it is making me queasy. I've even identified the problem...last week I made a chicken cordon bleu and it was super salty. Somehow I've managed to identify that meal with all dinners and it is a serious problem. Luckily we have enough left overs that I can do something easy like chicken and tots tonight and hopefully that will work.

I also have a sleeping problem. I either sleep a lot (which isn't really a problem) or I have a hard time sleeping (which is a problem). Two nights ago I slept eleven hours and last night I had a hard time getting to sleep and then was awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night. Plumbers also came first thing this morning, so I didn't get to sleep in.