Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday: Happy New Years

Opps...I just realized that the title for the last post should have been Wednesday. :)

Anyway, Happy 2009! We watched Dick Clarke on TV and it was really anti-climatic. Each year seems to get a bit worse. Oh well...we got sparkling white grape juice and that is always good!

We went snow mobiling today. I got my own snowmobile which was very exciting. It is warmer and easier to hang on to and just more fun. :) The trails were rather bumpy but it was really pretty.

I also got the sewing machine out. Remember that sock from last Friday that kept falling down? Well, it got sacrificed to practicing. :)

Then I folded my headband. I usually have had it folded in half but now it is quarters and has a pretty pattern on it.

Thursday: Happy Old Year's Day

Happy old years day! It was somewhat relaxing today...we went to KMart and I got some thread and pins for my sewing machine (we'll see if they get used before I leave) and then all the girls got pedicures. The nail person had never seen nails like mine before, which I thought was rather weird...they seem to actually not be that uncommon. Oh well. I did get a cute flower sticker on them.

Then we went out for a nice dinner. They had party favors at the table so we had a lot of fun with those.

The artistic picture of the messy table that had way too many glasses on it
Happy Cheryl

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday: skiing

Today we went downhill skiing. I've been downhill skiing once before and it was a bad experience. This time was much more fun. Ben gave Jamie and I "lessons" while Travis helped Jacob.

After several runs on the bunny hill I tried the easy green hill with Ben. It was ok...I got down without running into anyone or falling. :) It was the first time I was on a lift and the person in the chair in front of us was also apparently a beginner. He fell while getting off the chair lift. Instead of trying to get out of the way he proceeded to spread his arms out and stay there as long as possible. I ended up going in front of Ben but he is luckily a good enough skiier that he could deal with that. He also decided to turn 180 degrees half way down the hill and scared me out of my wits because I thought he was stopping and that I would shortly be plowing into him. However, he was just skiing backwards for a bit.

Back to the bunny hill for a few times to have the family all together and then lunch. I was warm before lunch but unfortunately lunch cooled me off somehow. I never quite warmed up again. But anyway...

Then Jamie, Ben, and I went on the green hill again. I starting going to fast so decided to ..uh.. sit down. :) Luckily I had learned how to fall correctly. The next two times going down this hill were much better. Ben stayed a bit closer and I did a better job of snowplowing. But then I was too cold so Travis and Ben nicely brought me home. Travis pulled my poles for a bit so I didn't have to try and ski on the flat/uphill part. Our lift tickets were almost done anyway and they're going back tomorrow so it was ok they didn't do any of the harder runs.

So...the day was fun enough that Ben can probably get me to go again. I'm a little sore though. (especially my is really hard to go uphill even a little bit).

Monday: water park

Today we went to an indoor water park. It was nice and warm with several largish slides. They were fun to go down and it was fun to watch everyone else play in the water too.

As we were leaving my throat started to hurt. I think I was sick the rest of the night. (Spoiler: I felt fine the next day.)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday: Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Larry! Today was a nice relaxing day with several games, naps, food, and a movie.

Here's a picture of the family watching Larry open presents; the one with him turned out too blurry.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday: Betsy and blanket

Well, I was going to go to Betsy's bridal shower and then go up north tonight or tomorrow. The problem is that the weather was supposed to get really bad tonight and stay bad tomorrow. So Betsy nicely came out to lunch with me so I could leave earlier in the afternoon. :) We probably got to talk more than we would have at the shower, so that's good at least.

The drive wasn't too bad, although it was really foggy. When it wasn't quite as foggy it was rainy. The worst part was at the very end when I think I had a few hydroplaning moments, but nothing too bad. I was happy to arrive though.

I also managed to finish half the grey on my baby blanket. I have decided to edge it in a burnt orange, so I'm not really half way done. But I am getting close.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday: boxing day

Happy Boxing Day! Except I didn't really box anything up since I'm not at home. Ben and I did repackage a lot of gifts though into few bags and sort into what can stay in the car and what can't. I guess that can count as our Boxing Day activity.

Not a lot happened today. Ben left. :( The bed will be cold without him. Dad and I went to the was incredably busy. We parked rather far away because it was at least a little less busy and then walked on some roads to get to the mall. My problem was that the elastic in one of my socks has died, so every 5-10 minutes I needed to stop to pull up my sock (depending on how fast we were walking). It was annoying. So these will get retired once we get home.

I ate lunch with the Menkveld clan; it was nice to see them again since it's been a while since I've seen most of them. Oliver isn't feeling well though, which is sad.