Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday: prodigal

Earlier this year, if you had asked me what the word prodigal meant I would have probably blundered around, coming up with something like "A person who left something very good for something very bad." Well, it turns out that the word means "recklessly extravagant." The prodigal son was a prodigal because he squandered away his entire inheritance, leaving himself with nothing.

We had a church series on the Prodigal God...God gives away his love with reckless extravagance (to sum up 7 weeks in one sentence.) On this Good Friday, I'd also like to put forth the idea that Jesus was a prodigal too. We watched "The Passion of the Christ" at Bible Study. Jesus was tortured and murdered, but as he says, "No one can take my life from me. I give it freely." He had the choice with every step of the journey to end his suffering, but he chose not to. That was prodigal Love.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday: Mars colonist

It's official: not only am I normal, but I could be a Mars colonist!! Hip-hip-hooray!!

"Well, you're distressingly normal and could conceivably adjust to life as a deep space pioneer, though we recommend instead that you leave the Mars missions to the serious whack jobs who scored over 130 and instead finish year 3 of law school, tuck your toddler into bed, design Web 2.0 applications, run for Congress or do whatever other normal, healthy, middle-of-the-road thing you're currently doing with your normal, healthy, middle-of-the-road life. If you're determined to give Virgle a try, though, you can submit your video here."

Thursday: what if

Some days I find myself worrying way too much about the "what ifs" of life. It annoys me.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday: pedometer

I wore my pedometer today. I'm at 7456 right now. Today's walking was probably slightly higher than normal though...yesterday I just broke 6000.

We'll see how long I keep it on. It only totally resets when you download the stored data, which I'm a bit hesitant about. (I think you get like a week or so in between required downloads.) I need to double check the privacy policy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday: 701

Post - what is one thing on a post?
mailbox - what do you get in the mailbox?
Netflix - what does Netflix send?
movie - Where are we watching a movie next?
Bible Study - what do we often do with our Bible Study?
Frisbee - what is a game you can play with a Frisbee?
Frisbee golf - what did Ben and I go on one night playing frisbee golf when I almost lost my orange frisbee but we found it?
date - what is the next important date?
April 9 - what happened on April 9?
Mom - what do I get myself on Mom's deathday?
flowers - what is "you don't bring me flowers anymore?" (Someone was singing it...I like the tune.)
song - What do you do with song?
dance - What dancing show do I like?
So You Think you can Dance - Where do I watch this show?
TV - What do you do in front of a TV?
sit - what goes with stand?
stand - How should I stand?
firm - I should stand on firm what?
ground - What is on the ground?
grass - what did the Bible Study girls do down our grassy hill?
roll - what do you put on a roll?
butter - Where do you get rolls and butter?
restaurant - What is my favorite restaraunt?
Dos - what do I like from there?
cheese - what happens when you Say Cheese?
smile - What is part of a smile?
teeth - What do I do with teeth?
eat - What do I eat?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday: 700

This is my 700th post. Kind of amazing, actually. There's been some fun posts, sad posts, and boring posts. There are wooden posts and plastic posts. Posts are hard to put in our lawn because there are too many rocks.

I like associating words and since I already started I think I'll continue...good luck figuring out how some of them go together :D

Bible Study
Frisbee golf
April 9
So You Think you can Dance

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday: more Flurry

Flurry didn't even try to be subtle about preventing Ben from working today.
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