Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday: prodigal

Earlier this year, if you had asked me what the word prodigal meant I would have probably blundered around, coming up with something like "A person who left something very good for something very bad." Well, it turns out that the word means "recklessly extravagant." The prodigal son was a prodigal because he squandered away his entire inheritance, leaving himself with nothing.

We had a church series on the Prodigal God...God gives away his love with reckless extravagance (to sum up 7 weeks in one sentence.) On this Good Friday, I'd also like to put forth the idea that Jesus was a prodigal too. We watched "The Passion of the Christ" at Bible Study. Jesus was tortured and murdered, but as he says, "No one can take my life from me. I give it freely." He had the choice with every step of the journey to end his suffering, but he chose not to. That was prodigal Love.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I like that - thanks for sharing!