Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday: nothing funny

I am sad to report that nothing funny has happened these last few days. (Although that sentence is almost funny in and of itself.) I've been having a hard time finding something to post (which might be kind of obvious) so today I was watching really hard for something. There wasn't. I'm tired of working and a lot of people around me are working more than I and so they're tired too.

Oh wait! There was one thing. We have an important audit tomorrow and therefore got an email that said the following: "Tomorrow is business casual (no sneakers/jeans). Scott will be working this effort, so please pick up his work as required. " Here's how I understood it at first: "Tomorrow is business casual (no sneakers/jeans). Scott will be working [on getting dressed], so please pick up his work." The funny part is that this kind of made sense...we're all rather out of it and so obviously need extra time to get dressed.

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