Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday: quilt show, hunger

Nursing hunger has finally set in.  I was a little surprised; I haven't felt absurdly hungry much.  I've been normal hungry and munchy, but the last two days I've been hungry.  Super hungry.  But hey, I'll still be nursing full time through Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That's even better than being pregnant during those holidays.

Cheryl and I went to the West Michigan Quilt Guild's quilt show.  It was larger than I was expecting, and full of good quilts.  The one below was my favorite (Modern Art in Quilt Form by Sue Cortese).  The quilting was amazing.  (The boys did very well too.  I'm always surprised at how long five 2x2 duplos can entertain Isaac.)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday: check up and EE

Joshua had his 2 month check up yesterday.  He's doing well with no problems.  He's 23.25" long (50th percentile) and 11.3 pounds.  Oh, I just looked at Isaac's numbers.  He's actually just slightly smaller than Isaac...which surprises me since he was born a bit larger and doesn't seem to spit up as much.  But then, he also eats a lot faster too so maybe doesn't get as much food.  Shots were traumatic and so he slept the rest of the day.

This morning we were waiting for the library to open and listening to VeggieTales songs.  Isaac had earlier asked for the EE (monkey) song and I had no idea which one that was.  There are no monkeys in VeggieTales.  We got to track 4 that starts like this... "Good morning, George, how are you?"  And Isaac said, "EE song!"  Ahh, I got it.  Curious George is a monkey.  Therefore, all Georges are monkeys.  (Annette and Liz, I'm sorry to break such terrible news to you.)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday: 33 months

Isaac turned 33 months yesterday.

He had an amazing start of the month in regards to toilet training...he only had a handful of accidents and was figuring out by himself when he needed to go to the bathroom.  He's had a terrible end of the month.  But since he's done this several times I expect we'll get back on track before too long.

He has started to really like snacks.  I've consistently told him no snacks if he doesn't finish his meal, but that doesn't seem to sink in.  (He doesn't always get snacks if he does finish his meal, lest you think he's eating all the time.)  He also seems to think that food goes from his mouth to his toes to his stomach.

I think nap time is slowly on it's way out, although we're not going to stop with rest time.  He does pretty well if he doesn't get a nap.  If he does take a nap I usually leave a light on in his bedroom at night for a bit so that he can read.  I still like 8pm bedtimes, but if he is still a bit awake and willing to read/entertain himself for a bit that's ok with me.

I'm not sure there's too much else that's new.  He still loves Duplos and running, is usually willing to help out around the house, and is quite happy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


On Sunday Isaac wanted to go on a picnic with Aunt C.  It sounded like a good idea to me, so I had him pack a lunch.

He packed two containers of popcorn, three carrots (he might have done more but I stopped him), three grapes, Cheerios, Crispex, Crasins, 4 hearts and lemon water.

He then had too much fun playing on the playground to eat much. :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday: 9 weeks/2 months

Joshua is 2 months old!

Let's see...talking - he babbles once in a while, but not really that often.

Sleeping - sometimes he does a good job, getting up three times to feed between midnight and seven and then going right back to sleep.  Sometimes he doesn't do such a good job.  His naps are inconsistant; some days he takes good naps, some days he will only nap in my arms

Attitude - it's pretty easy to get smiles out of him.  Usually I'd say he's a pretty happy baby, although last week was pretty rough.  I'm wondering if he had a growth spurt or it had to do with me being sick.

Favorites - my arms with a pacifier.  It almost always calms him down.  He also likes the play thingy that I put in his crib (that he doesn't sleep in).  He will sometimes be content to look at it for ten minutes before getting cranky.  He likes to get his diaper changed.  The swing isn't too bad.

Dislikes - Sitting.  Both arms in the swaddle when he doesn't want them in.  Being done eating (even though he is the one to decide it is time to be done).  Dad when he wants Mom (sad but true).

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday: surprise!

Brat, as in bratwurst, is spelled b r a t, not b r o t, which is how I always have spelled it. Ben blew my mind when he told me today. I like my way better, but I guess no one is consulting me on the spelling.

Saturday: feeling better

Today I think I can finally say I'm feeling better. I went to bed last night fully expecting to call the doctor first thing in the morning, but the fever broke (again) during the night.

To shake things up a bit Isaac and I put Ben to bed a little before Isaac's bedtime. Isaac asked Ben if he had to go to the bathroom. Then he prayed... "Dear God. Today. Amen." ( we usually start with thank you for today.). When we mentioned it didn't have much content he just said, " short prayer." Guess you can't argue with that. Isaac then turned off the lights and closed the door.