Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday: shots

Today was Isaac's 2 month well child checkup.

He weighs 11 lb, 10 oz (about the 50th percentile)
He measures 23.75" long (about the 60th percentile) (There is a chance that this should be 22.75...the nurse measured starting at the 1" mark and I'm not sure she took off an inch.  I don't feel like he's grown two inches, but maybe I'm wrong.)

And he got his shots.  Two nurses each gave him one at the same time and then he got a third.  At first his eyes got huge like "what just happened???????"  Then he realized that it hurt and he got so red with crying.  Poor guy.  He calmed down pretty quickly, but this evening he had a hard time not crying.  Ben finally swaddled him and put him in the crib around 6pm, and with the mobile that calmed him down for a while.  Then he fell asleep while playing the dice game right before bed, so we just stuck him in the swaddle again without putting on his pajamas or taking a dip.  I usually don't mind waking him up, but not tonight.

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