Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday: this and that

It was a nice day today...relaxing, but we still got stuff done.  Isaac took a four hour nap in the morning, which was kind of crazy. 

Isaac had some happy time with Ben.
 They played flash games.  I'm not a huge fan of flash games, mostly because I don't enjoy most of them (not because I don't think they should be played) so I was a bit disappointed the boys were ganging up on me.

In the 2.5 weeks of work I ended up with a lot of extra milk.  But after being so worried about not having enough ready for daycare I was just hoarding it.

Isaac had a very rough night, mostly for unknown reasons.  One known reason is that I accidently dripped about three drips of cold water on his chest while he was taking his dip.  Oh my.  You would have thought that I was torturing him.  But before the dip and after getting his clothes off he was in a good he laid on the counter for about 20 minutes, looking at the underside of the cabinets.  Apparently they were interesting.

P.S. Thanks to a youtube video we watched two days ago, Ben and I had the ticky-tacky song stuck in our heads all day.  It's especially hard to get a song out of your head when someone else is singing it all the time too.

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