Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday: five question friday

I'm taking these from another blog

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?
Yes, but it depends on how likely I think I am to meet someone that I know and how much I care at the moment.

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it?
I usually have to really not like it to not finish it.  Well, to purposefully say that I'm not going to finish it.  I semi-regularly decided to quickly read another book, fully intending to go back to the first, and then don't.

3. Beach or mountain vacations?
Mountain.  I'm a tree lover.

4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you?
The spring smell
5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation?
Both.  Three cheers for vacation.


Anonymous said...

Virginia has lots of mountains. : )

Annette B.

Amanda said...

Annette - I know! I'm a bit jealous as I miss the mountains. But at least Michigan has trees.