Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday: sanitizing bags

So since I'm working, I'm pumping milk for Isaac to eat when I'm not around.  (Eat?  Drink?  Anyway.)  The bag is a nice black that kind of looks like a laptop bag.  The milk storage bag is black and looks like a little lunch bag.  But the microwavable sanitizing bags?  They are bright white and yellow with "Medela" all over them.  It means that if I want to try and be discrete I need to stuff the bag in the carrying bag between the bathroom and the kitchen.  And hope that no one is in the kitchen.

For all the work they put into making the process as discrete as possible, they completely failed in this area. It isn't really a problem, but still a little annoying.


betsy said...

do you steam clean them after every use? that is something i never considered - i just figured i'd rinse clean throughout the day and steam clean at night...

Ashley said...

I just wash mine out in the sink at work with hot water and dish soap. Everyone at work knows that I pump so its not a secret at all but thats what I do. I do hav the bags and I use them at home every week at the end of the week