Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday: 9 weeks (or 2 months)

Happy 9 week birthday to Isaac!  Happy 2 month birthday to him too!  So...we had a photo shoot.  Again.  Oh, and it was blue day today.  He has a lot of blue in his life, so it was pretty easy to point it out.

This is a rather poor picture, but it is the only one of its kind where he stretched out.  Maybe he really did grow two inches.

Blue monkey!

I wore a blue shirt too! (Again, a poor picture.  It's hard setting the autotimer, arranging Issac, and getting a quilt over our lap.  I wasn't going to try again.)

Isaac got tired...a good time to use the quilt.

Tomorrow is going to be a post that isn't about Isaac.  I've been trying to do it most of the week, but kept getting side tracked.  I spend most of my time with him and find him interesting (hence all the Isaac posts) but this is still my blog.  Amazingly, I've done a few other things this past week too. :)  I figure that if I tell everyone tonight, I will actually do it tomorrow and not get side tracked.

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