Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday: Resignation

Last week I put in my resignation at work.  I didn't know when my last day was going to be since my manager wasn't in the country, so I wasn't ready to tell the Internet.

My last day is going to be this Friday.  Hurray!  I'm excited and nervous.  Excited to be with Isaac more, hopefully not be so exhausted, go to story time at the library, and hopefully have a slightly cleaner house.  But I'm also nervous about not having an out-of-the-house job.  What if I go crazy?  (Ben would say that I'm already crazy, so I mean stir-crazy.)

I did look to see if there was a part time option, but the company I'm at apparently doesn't do that.  While that seems very odd to me, it did make my decision on what to do easier.  I'm toying around with trying to sell some quilt patterns (and maybe quilts) but haven't completely decided yet.  (I don't think I'd make much, but maybe enough to support my quilting hobby.)  We'll see how things go.


betsy said...

wow! congrats! enjoy :)

Christen said...

I am so excited for you... and pray that you will experience God's peace in your decision!

The Talens said...

Staying home with Joash is a choice I have NEVER regretted making. You will enjoy it. I am amazed at all of the things we find to do in a day. Have fun!