Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday: 9 weeks/2 months

Joshua is 2 months old!

Let's see...talking - he babbles once in a while, but not really that often.

Sleeping - sometimes he does a good job, getting up three times to feed between midnight and seven and then going right back to sleep.  Sometimes he doesn't do such a good job.  His naps are inconsistant; some days he takes good naps, some days he will only nap in my arms

Attitude - it's pretty easy to get smiles out of him.  Usually I'd say he's a pretty happy baby, although last week was pretty rough.  I'm wondering if he had a growth spurt or it had to do with me being sick.

Favorites - my arms with a pacifier.  It almost always calms him down.  He also likes the play thingy that I put in his crib (that he doesn't sleep in).  He will sometimes be content to look at it for ten minutes before getting cranky.  He likes to get his diaper changed.  The swing isn't too bad.

Dislikes - Sitting.  Both arms in the swaddle when he doesn't want them in.  Being done eating (even though he is the one to decide it is time to be done).  Dad when he wants Mom (sad but true).

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