Thursday, September 18, 2014


Last night was a bit rough again.  Joshua has been waking up a lot more this week and Isaac has been sick and therefore waking up once or twice.  So...yeah.  Joshua did sleep well during the day so I got two medium naps in at least.

Isaac has been interested in offices lately.  Whenever we see one on TV he'll say "office?"  So today we visited Ben's office and had lunch with him.  It was a nice time.

And Isaac and Joshua entertained each other today!  (For about five minutes.) They've done it before, but I'm usually around supervising.  This time Isaac started playing with Joshua's toys and he watched.  I tried to get a picture but came over at just the wrong time.

And Isaac helped me give Joshua a bath.  I've been meaning to do so for several days now, but just don't care anymore before Joshua's bedtime.  I asked Isaac if he wanted to help and he was so excited.  He got the tub out.  Then he ran to his bathtub and got some of his foam letters for Joshua.  Because you obviously can't have a bath without some letters.

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