Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday: children in media

I love how Isaac blows kisses.

Joshua didn't sleep well at all last night; it was probably his worst sleep ever.  But I made him be bright eyed and bushy tailed for a bit in the morning.

This onsie is almost too small. :(  I actually changed it half way through the day because I wondered if he was upset due to a too tight would make me cranky.

We were getting dinner ready and Isaac came up to me with this strawberry and said it was his favorite.  I think he wanted to eat it right away, but I cut it up and put it on his plate instead.  The next five strawberries were also his favorite and he always picked the one on the top.  I'm not sure he understands what the word means.

Speaking of words, here are some of my favorites: underwear (which I only understand because it is always said in context), octopus, and caramel kiss.  Caramel kiss isn't always said in context, and sometimes he has to add the kissing noise for me to understand what he wants.

Isaac also told us tonight that the "wormy" tickles him but that the Tickle Monster doesn't tickle him.  Ah, the logic of a two year old.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Wow - looking at those pictures of Joshua, especially the largest one in the collage, he really looks like Isaac! :-)