Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday: still sick


The fever returned yesterday night, but I woke up in sheets that were soaked.  I was hoping that was that.

I felt pretty good all day.  Then, around dinner time, I thought I could skip the Ibprofin.  Wrong.  Fever's back.  How dumb.

Joshua's been especially grumpy today, being very insistent that he needs to nurse more frequently.  I don't know if my milk supply is low or if something else is wrong.  Or if he's just being a normal baby.  There was a fifteen minute stretch today when both boys were inconsolable and I didn't know why.  Isaac doesn't do that to me!  For that matter, Joshua rarely does it either.  Isaac wanted Cheerios, but I couldn't understand him and he wouldn't point.  (I told him no.)

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

Yuck, sorry you're still feeling so bad. Probably nursing more frequently means he's just a baby. Your supply is probably fine, but he'll bump it up by nursing more!