Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday: this and that

We went to the playground again today. Isaac had an excellent time running around.  Joshua even was awake to enjoy himself a bit.

When we got home I put out the trash. It was a bit early due to the holiday weekend, but the garage door was open and I like getting it out when Ben isn't home. Well, garbage truck came today. I wasn't done putting trash in the can, and so am a bit peeved.  But very glad that I got it out in time.

We also got some mail from the homeowners association and there seems to be a coup going on.  Or I'm getting unnecessary mail.  Or both.  I won't go into details, but it's weird.  I also don't really care that much, but it has caught my attention since I don't even know who is in the right and who is doing the coup-ing and that it's just a homeowner's association.

Finally, Isaac seems to be developing his own sense of humor.  He came into Joshua's room one day with his pants on his head, clearly expecting it to be funny.  He also has started to say "I love you Dag"  (i.e., Dad) on purpose at night when I'm giving him a bedtime hug and finds it hilarious.

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