Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day

It was a very nice Mother's Day.  Not that much different from normal, but I really like what we do on a normal Sunday.  Except that the boys slept in, which was awesome.  It seems to be a normal Mother's Day activity.

We went to church, I took a lovely nap, played a bit, and put the boys to bed early.  Isaac almost started crying when we were playing Uno and the color wasn't yellow anymore, so he obviously needed to sleep.  Also, Joshua played peek-a-boo with us.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday: a walk

We ended up going on a walk late this afternoon.  I carried Joshua.  Ben and Isaac were in front most of the time, but then we went in front.  Joshua kept doing the following:

Then at the very end we found a log and were balancing on it.  Ben was pretending to have trouble, so Isaac went over to hold his hand.  Ben was still having trouble, so Isaac showed him how to do it.  Oh, by this time Joshua had also clearly shown that he wanted to be held by Ben.  Not sick of me, but would rather have Ben.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday: catch -up

First up, we have a wiggle dance.  Isaac asked me to take the video, which is rather rare.

Secondly, a few days ago Joshua had his 9 month appointment.  He weighs 17 lb, 8 oz, which puts him in the 13%, up from 6 months.  His height is 27.5", and that kept him in the same percentile around 8%.  The doctor said everything looked good and wasn't worried about his lack of crawling.  (Also, we were given a "test" to take at 10 months and he already passes most of the categories, including gross motor.)

We went downtown with some friends again this morning.  Joshua was rather grumpy so I put him in the carrier and Isaac got the rare treat of riding in the stroller.

First they played on the bleachers.

Then we went to a park.

Later Joshua showed us that he could move himself backwards.  He's never done it before, and the floors probably helped, so it was fun to see.  He ran into the couch.

And Isaac kept running by the camera.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday: vacation day 2

Today was my second vacation day.  It was also lovely, but it had a very different feel than the one on Tuesday.  Maybe because it was sunny out.  Anyway, I stopped by some fabric stores after dropping off the boys for their last day of school.  Then I took a walk around the lake.  I had been planning on doing this in the afternoon, but it felt like it was going to get hot out so I did it earlier.

Then I putzed for the rest of the day.  I did some quilting, some reading, some napping, and a bit of work.  Basically, whatever I wanted to do.  And without anyone talking to me.

Ben and I went out for dinner and to look at buying a new kitchen table.  I really like the size we have now, and how big it can get.  To match the other furniture, I can either go same day-to-day size and expand to a smaller full size or a bigger day-to-day size and expand to the same full size.  Decisions, decisions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday: tulip time

We went downtown tonight to eat carnival food.  It seemed like a good time to dress up the boys and get a few pictures.

Joshua didn't look at the camera for most of the pictures; the two above are the only ones.

We ate on a ...stone thingy.  It was the perfect height when Isaac was standing up.  However, he frequently squatted like Ben and I were doing and then he was way to short.

Look who decided to show us some smiles!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday: vacation day

This morning during breakfast Joshua was being loud.  Food didn't quiet him down like normal, so I put him in a modified time out (his bedroom with toys with the door closed).  Needless to say, I wasn't handling things very well.

But, hooray hooray, I had a vacation day today!  Ben suggested that we get an extra week of day care and I immediately agreed.

It was a wonderful day.  I got home, grabbed a cup of spice tea and read for a while.  It was rainy and my book was excellent.  (The Martian...highly recommended!)  Then I took a nap.  I got up and did some quilting, played some Warcraft, and finished my book.  I did a few chores, but barely any.  I was on vacation!

Isaac had swimming lessons again.  He did ok...I think he got rather cold.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday: 40 weeks...and a rough day

Joshua is 40 weeks old!

I think he's teething.  He's been a bit grumpy.

So, today was rough.  It started with Isaac throwing up at 8:30.  We've had amazing luck...this is the first vomit that required more than a quick clothing change.  Ok.  Got it cleaned up, Isaac seems back to normal...he seemed pretty normal before hand too, although he did complain a bit about his stomach hurting.  He seemed so normal that I just assumed he was hungry.

Since Isaac seemed back to normal, we went to the quilt show.  Or at least started to.  It was an odd trip, starting with both of us wanting to go, then only me wanting to go, then only Isaac wanting to go, then only me wanting to go.  We got to the parking lot and I just pulled right through as we both decided not to go.  Then Isaac threw up again.  Yuck.  So going probably wasn't the correct choice, but hindsight is 20/20.

We get home and Isaac goes in the shower, seemingly fine again.  Joshua won't calm down.  Don't know what his problem was.  Luckily, Isaac decides to play outside for a bit and Joshua eventually calmed down, so I have a few minutes to try and get some stuff done.  Joshua then becomes a bit grumpy, but at least holding him solves the problem.

I had told Isaac he could sleep with me when we got home, but Joshua woke up.  So he slept with me during rest time.  We didn't sleep.  I kind of expected that, but was ok with it because Joshua's been sleeping through the night and I wasn't super tired.  Joshua woke up and wouldn't settle back down until I nursed him.

Ok, let's try the quilt show again.  Look!  It's my quilt!

Isaac did pretty well at the show until about five minutes before I was ready to leave.  So not too bad.  He fell asleep on the ride home and I had to try and wake him up three times before it finally worked.  (I know I could have tried harder, but when I try the normal amount and there is absolutely no response I figure he really needs to sleep, even if it is at a bad time.)

Dinner.  It happened.  Again.  Joshua started crying at the very end and didn't stop again.  I finally got him ready for bed and put him to bed early.  Isaac went to bed at his normal time but fell right asleep.
