Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday: made it

This morning Joshua had a last minute doctor's appointment; his ears are fine though.  So we all got our flu shots since we were there.

We got home at 9am and I suddenly realized that I had no plans for today.  And that it was raining, so some of my backup plans weren't great.

We started with making my mailbox.  Isaac posted another package for me on his door last night; it was three pieces of blank paper.  He sure does like to give me blank paper.  When I questioned him, he said it was for my mailbox.  So we started with that.  (He also noted that he used up all the tape.  The tape that I kept putting back in the drawer would suddenly be back in Isaac's room.)

Then we did miscellaneous things.  Isaac found things that he wanted to test for whether they would float or not as I realized one thing we could do was to have a big bath this afternoon.  It included this airplane.

It ended up not raining after rest time, so we went to feed the ducks.  It was good to get out of the house for a bit.  Joshua kept saying, "Eat!"  and "Get it!"  Even some sparrows and seagulls ventured close for some bread.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday: thickness

I was bringing an exam from one place to another today.  The exam was two pages.  One the way I thought, "hmm.  It feels a bit thick."  I take a look, because what else do I have to do on my walk, and realized I had grabbed an extra exam.

It think it's crazy that I can tell the difference between two pieces of paper and four.  Sure, it's double the thickness.  But since a piece of paper is about 0.1mm thick it means I could tell the difference of 0.2mm.  It seems a bit crazy to be able to detect that with our fingers.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday: reasons my son is crying

1. I wouldn't turn his chair 90 deg for him.  (We talked about other options...he could turn it, a different chair, etc. but those weren't good enough.)

2. I wouldn't dress him.  (This might have been because he didn't know exactly where his pants were, but he never said that.)

3. I wouldn't give him his apple cake 15 minutes before dinner, when he was going to get it.  After I asked him to go cry in his room he had a secondary meltdown because he didn't want to go in the dark room and didn't want to turn on his light.  He didn't want to turn on any lights.

4. Joshua had some tears when he had to share the blender.  He saw it this morning as I was putting away dishes and was impressed by all the buttons.  Since I don't use it any more, I took it down for him to look at.  It ended up being the toy of the day (and by the end of the day they were sharing nicely).  Now I just need to remember to hide it away soon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday: fever

Time: 2:53 - I'm getting ready for my 3pm class.

The phone rings.  Oops, I forgot to put it on vibrate...well, at least it's in between classes.  I'll just shut it off.

Oh.  It's daycare.  I bet it's about Joshua.

Correct.  He has a fever and needs to be picked up.

Dad isn't around.  Bummer.  (To keep it in perspective, he has been around all the other daycare crises and I count myself rather lucky.  It's especially nice because he can take my car with the car seat...if it wasn't for the car seat I would have called Ben.)

Quick change of plans for the class.  They can start the "in class work" first with the TA.  It's on something that we had covered a previous class period, so it shouldn't be too bad.  I'll pick up Joshua.  Quickly.

I pick Joshua up and get back in about 20 minutes.  My goal was 30 minutes, so I am rather happy with it.  It is a short lecture time, so Joshua could eat his snack while I talked.  Then he walked around with me as I answer student questions on their work.

Joshua is a bit loud - that ceaseless babble that comes with young children - but I also haven't seen the students smile so much.  So while the whole thing isn't ideal, it worked out.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday: toilet training and mail

Joshua did a great job with toilet training today.  While we weren't accident free, there weren't any urine accidents and he was able to go on the toilet easily.  Hurray!  Daycare said I could send him in underwear tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.  I'm going to have to let him start wearing pants soon.  Summer has been nice.

Isaac decided to make me a lot of mail today.  The first one he stapled all around a sheet of paper.  Then he opened it for me.  Since there were about twenty staples, it took a while.  It had a bunch of cut up pipe cleaners in it, as he recently realized he could cut pipe cleaners.  The second and third came together.  One was well taped in a piece of white was a folded piece of paper on which I could draw a map and return it to castle.  The second one was also well taped, but the outer layer was just folded in half so it was a bit easier to open.  It was a ball of pipe cleaners that I could use for Puppy Dog to fetch.

In other news, it was gymnastics day.  Joshua loves hanging on the bars, Isaac likes the balance beam.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Today was a rather rough day.  Sundays seem to be the hardest for some reason.

We were on the deck at the end of the day and Isaac wanted a picture of the sunset.

And Joshua loves to do whatever Isaac is this case acting silly.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday: funny mail

Sometimes, you just wonder what the companies are thinking...and why it took them 6 months to notify Ben that I had requested access to his medical records.