Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday: fever

Time: 2:53 - I'm getting ready for my 3pm class.

The phone rings.  Oops, I forgot to put it on vibrate...well, at least it's in between classes.  I'll just shut it off.

Oh.  It's daycare.  I bet it's about Joshua.

Correct.  He has a fever and needs to be picked up.

Dad isn't around.  Bummer.  (To keep it in perspective, he has been around all the other daycare crises and I count myself rather lucky.  It's especially nice because he can take my car with the car seat...if it wasn't for the car seat I would have called Ben.)

Quick change of plans for the class.  They can start the "in class work" first with the TA.  It's on something that we had covered a previous class period, so it shouldn't be too bad.  I'll pick up Joshua.  Quickly.

I pick Joshua up and get back in about 20 minutes.  My goal was 30 minutes, so I am rather happy with it.  It is a short lecture time, so Joshua could eat his snack while I talked.  Then he walked around with me as I answer student questions on their work.

Joshua is a bit loud - that ceaseless babble that comes with young children - but I also haven't seen the students smile so much.  So while the whole thing isn't ideal, it worked out.


betsy said...

What did the fever turn out to be? Ben doesn't have car seats?! You are wonder woman!

betsy said...

What did the fever turn out to be? Ben doesn't have car seats?! You are wonder woman!