Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday: a full day

Today was a rather full day, but not necessarily busy.

It started out with Joshua only waking up once in the night and sleeping past his alarm clock turning green.  And the wake up was just because he was cold, not because of unknown causes, so he went right back to sleep.

We had gymnastics in the morning.  Joshua still wanted to be picked up a lot in the beginning when we were doing some new things, but once we got to the things that we did last week he had a lot more fun.  Isaac did well too, but I only watched bits and pieces.

Then we ate lunch and went to Closest Beach.  (Not to be confused with Close Beach.)  We had a sort beach time last night so I said we could go again today.  It was rather warm, but nice.  We made volcanoes and tickled each other with water.

After rest time we watered the flowers.  I had been hoping to make banana bread today too, but we didn't quite have enough time.  Oh well.  We'll see if the bananas are still good later...they've been on the edge for a while.

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