Joshua didn't clean his room yesterday, as you may remember, so certain restrictions went into place today. 1) Mom doesn't play with you (more-or-less) and 2) no screens.
It didn't phase Joshua at all. He played well in the morning. I got a ton of work done, including cleaning under the fridge. It always amazes me what I find there.
He had his first dentist appointment. He almost lost it right before getting into the chair, but pulled himself together.
No screen time after rest time didn't phase Joshua. This is where I thought we'd have a tough time. He cried a bit before rest time when I reminded him, but that was about it. I kept reminding him to do his room and what the consequences would be, and he kept deciding not to do it.
Since he was on no screen during dinner, he ate in the kitchen with his tray while the rest of us watched our show. He was done rather quickly but then just played with his race track.
Ben and I were commenting on how we don't really know how to motivate him. Treats after eating all his food doesn't do it; he's excited if he likes all the food and eats it all to get a treat, but if he doesn't like the food then no treat is fine too. Apparently screen time is so important when it is 'deserved', but if he doesn't deserve it then he'll find something else to do. The only thing I've had any luck with lately is date balls...he managed to get both of his car seat straps on for a date ball. (It's just chopped up dates and chopped up peanuts stuck together.)
I'm curious to see...will Joshua give in and clean his room? We think we'll keep going with this until Saturday, which is the normal cleaning time. If he doesn't clean on Saturday we might need to change consequences.