Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday: hair cut, conversation

I donated my hair today.  My head feels so much lighter.  Besides the actual cutting, the stylist took off a bunch of hair in the middle...yeah, I'm not sure how to better explain that.  Anyway, she commented several times that I have a lot of hair.  This is normal, but it made me feel good since it seems like my hair has been falling out easily lately.  (The one time the stylist didn't say it I almost freaked out and wondered if I was loosing my hair.)

In the car today we had this conversation:
Isaac: I think maybe I figured out what I want to be.  When I grow up.
Amanda: oh yeah?  what?
Isaac: the person that takes the money.
Amanda: what do you mean?
Isaac: like at the restaurant or the grocery store...
Ben: oh, the cashier.  Do you realize that they don't actually get to keep the money?
Isaac: why not?
Amanda: they're just workers and have to give it to the company.
**stunned silence**