Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday: Isaac

Isaac got school lunch for the first time today.  He liked it.  Growing up I got to have it once a week...for the time being, it seems like a good way to do it for him too.  Maybe I'll change my mind after the 100th lunch though.

Next he wants home lunch with a water bottle, so that he can put his token in the last pail.  (Normally he gets just milk.)  Then he remembered that he really likes milk, which is why he usually get it.  I guess we'll save it for an extra special treat.

I also ordered a scholastic book for him.  Those are going strong, just like when I was a kid.  Joshua gets them too, but I usually just look and see if there is a robot book since those are not as common as one might think.  Anyway, I found a book for Isaac.  I figured that if we don't have to pay daycare expenses the least we can do is get him a book once a month.

He found a beautiful leave today.  He wanted a picture of it.  I usually use such occasions to get a picture of him.  He also made a new type of chalk running line...a funnel.  The line stops near the top of the driveway and near the bottom there's a catcher.  Why didn't I think of that?!?!  It would be so much easier to draw.  Maybe I'll need to do a trampoline.

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