Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday: Joshua

Joshua and I were riding my bike to the library....

J: Mom!! Look!!!!!
A: It's a cement truck!!  How exciting.
J: Yeah, it's where we get our food.
A: What?  We don't get our food from a cement truck.
J: So where do we get our food?

J: Mom!! Look!!
A: A double dump truck!  Neat!

A: Ok, we're coming up to the railroad crossing soon.  Is it safe?
*The lights suddenly turn on and the dinging starts*
A: Oh, I guess not.
*No train appears and the lights turn off*
A: I guess it was just a test
*As we cross, we see a train changing cars or something*

J: Dad!  We saw a train test.
J: A train test today
J: Dad! Did you see the train test?

The boys also wanted to run in the sprinklers tonight.

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