Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday: clapping, rock show, mixel

Today was the start of the new school year programming at church, which meant that Isaac changed rooms.  I mentioned this to both boys separately, and they were both quite sad about it.  Isaac got over it quickly, but Joshua wanted to come to music with me.  We made a deal that he could come, but then had to go upstairs without a fuss.  It worked.

He enjoyed his clapping.  Even though no one else was clapping.

We went to the annual rock show this afternoon.  There was no a/c and it was hot.  But we saw some cool rocks and the kids got to play some games to win some rocks and buy a few rocks.  It was a good time.

At the library two weeks ago I grabbed a Lego book about Mixels.  Mixels are just little creatures that Lego was selling as small kits.  We got two in our room when we went to Legoland.  Anyway, Velectro was Joshua's favorite, and he told us so many times.  I finally made an approximation of Velectro using the pieces that we have.

For reference:

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