Monday, March 10, 2008


It was about 4:00pm today when I actually realized what time it was today. The day flew. Not in a bad way (like I have way too much to do), but a lot was going on and I was staying nicely busy.

I had a dream that someone sent Flurry to me all stuffed in a jar and I was going to do an experiment on the handedness of cats.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Ah, today went by way too quickly. I could blame it on the lack of an hour of sleep, but I'm not sure that really would have changed much in the end. We ended up going to a lunch at church for new people, had some errands to run, and so by the time we got home it was already mid-afternoon. We also went bowling this evening with some people from church and that was a lot of fun. I didn't break 100 though :(. Like normal.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I think my time of easy days is done. :( I got things 1-3 off my list today (those were the absolute must do-s), worked on number 4 (also an absolute must do, but let's be honest, its been on that status for a week. A few days won't hurt.) And numbers 5-20ish? Uh, someone else is doing 7, I did 5 at the last minute, and can hope the rest don't bite me later. Well, I'm sure that's more than you wanted to know. I think I finally got the video working...

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Wow, today went fast.

And we got library cards :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today went by quickly. It was nice. :)

This weekend I got a little webcam from Dad. It is supposed to be for a laptop and so doesn't work well with my computer yet, but it's been nice. It also takes movies. So I made one of Flurry. She did a really good job the first ten seconds, after that it gets boring.

Hmm, I tried to load it but it doesn't seem to like it for some reason. It isn't that long (about a minute) but maybe that is too long for this. I don't have any video editing software to chop off the last part though, so I guess we're out of luck this time. :(

Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday: oh, it's Monday again

Hmm. I always have so many thoughts of things that I want to say throughout the day and then proceed to forget them.

1. I wonder if my kids will read this and if they'll enjoy it. It would be fun to have them read entries when they're the same age I was when I wrote it. There might be some bleak years, but I've been journaling on and off since I think 8th grade. Maybe handwriting looks really bad in the first few journals.

2. I gave myself a raise this week by changing my tax deductions. It almost feels like cheating, but not really.

3. We got a quote from the second landscaper today. Luckily, his prices were about the same as the first ones. Unluckily, his prices were about the same.

4. It was rather warm here today. I almost walked up the hill for a meeting, but then decided it was too late.

5. Oh! I got some presents for saving money today. The first was a pen that also doubles as a laser pointer and a flashlight. The second is a digital tire pressure gauge. AND the digital tire pressure gauge has lights so you can take the pressure in the dark. Phew.

6. It's Nathan's Birthday! He had a fun blog post. Here he is many many years ago.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday: thoughts

-Sometimes I which I had a camera following me around like the do in The Office. Sometimes I just want to give it a look.

-Flurry has taken to dipping her paw in her water bowl and then licking it. It seems incredibly inefficient, but looks very polite.

-In WoW, I wish the druid forms had something to distingush individual characters. I'm in a raid with three trees right now, and it gets confusing as to whether my spell went off or not.

-I hate short USB cords

-I wish I had the motivation to do some of the cleaning and picking up around here that really needs to be done.