Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday: quack

Isaac has a few words right now, although not many.  Mama and Dada come out regularly and they are directed toward Ben and I, but I also feel like the sounds come out during his babbling too.

But the last few days I've recognized a distinct sound that only comes when birds (usually ducks, but not always) are seen.  It sounds like a quack but kind of starts with a b.  But it has that quacking sound to it that you're 'supposed' to use when you say it.

Isaac and I practiced quacking a ton when he was really small and only got a duck as a bathtub toy.  I thought that after quacking that much it should be his first word.  And I was sort of correct.

(Side note: he probably has some other words too, but it sure can be hard to pick them out!  There might be something for cats and balls.)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday: more lake pictures

I took some pictures of the lake today.  It only sprinkled today and the lake level didn't seem to change much.

In this one, you can see some stakes across the way.  What you can barely see is the very tip-top of one of the stakes in the water.  The one that you can barely see (and the one that you can't see) formed a rectangle and marked the edge of the lake.

Here's our fake bird; I don't know why it is there, but maybe to keep fish away from the drain?.  Someone put it there at the beginning of the summer last year and our neighbors didn't take it down.

Here it was last August...
Hmm, it's looking a different direction.  I wonder why.

Ben and I also went on a date!  It was nice; it had been a while since we went out.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday: sprints and lake

Isaac did more sprints today.

There was also a lot of rain.  The water level is well past what it was a week ago, but we still have about 8" left in the sump hole before it would start to become a problem.  The forecast keeps changing, but as of right now I don't think there will be too much more rain.  The other problem is that the creek that the lake drains into is higher than the lake, so the water has no where to go until that gets lower.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday: shuttle runs

Today Isaac was practicing his running by doing shuttle runs.  He put himself in the corner with the lazy susan.  (I think he just enjoying being a little cradled by the rocking motion.)  I would say "ready, set, go!"  Then a few seconds later he would run to the table and then run back.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday: finishing up

It's only mid-April, but it seems as though all of my weekly activities are coming to an end.  Today was the last day of the Bible study at church.  This week is the last day of the class that I'm sitting in on.  Next week is the last week that I'm teaching.

It feels too early to be finishing these activities, and I've really enjoyed them.  They were a great reason to get out of the house.  The ladies in the Bible Study were great; we had a bunch of good discussions.  I know once it gets warmer Isaac and I can do more outside so that will help occupy our time, but I'm also a little was nice being away from Isaac for a little bit and helped the days go by faster.

Or we'll find other things to do.  It's amazing how easy it sometimes is to fill the time.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday: going to bed

A few weeks ago Isaac added to his bedtime routine (steps 2 and 6).  Here's how it normally goes...

1) Pray as a family.
2) Immediately after we say Amen, Isaac waves goodnight to Ben.  He keeps waving until we actually separate.
3) Bath. (This is optional.)
4) Put on pajamas.
5) Read two books: Bedtime Farm and The Going to Bed Book.
6) Immediately after the second one (or while still on the last page) Isaac starts pointing at the crib.
7) Tuck Isaac in and he goes to sleep.
8) I leave his room, amazed at how easily he normally goes down.  (I really am amazed every time.)

Today I messed up the pages on the second book and turned to the last one too early.  I went back a few pages, but by that time Isaac had started pointing to his crib.  I wasn't moving fast enough because he had to point and point and point before I got him in.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday: audiobooks

Usually I watch a show on Netflix while sewing.  I don't always catch everything, and sometimes it slows down the sewing, but on the whole it worked pretty well.  However, I recently finished a series and was having a hard time finding something else to capture my attention (that Ben wouldn't be interested in either).  So I decided to try an audiobook.  I miss having something to look at, but that isn't really a big deal.  I do have to remember to stop it when I do anything on the computer though, as I can't concentrate on both at the same time.