Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday: going to bed

A few weeks ago Isaac added to his bedtime routine (steps 2 and 6).  Here's how it normally goes...

1) Pray as a family.
2) Immediately after we say Amen, Isaac waves goodnight to Ben.  He keeps waving until we actually separate.
3) Bath. (This is optional.)
4) Put on pajamas.
5) Read two books: Bedtime Farm and The Going to Bed Book.
6) Immediately after the second one (or while still on the last page) Isaac starts pointing at the crib.
7) Tuck Isaac in and he goes to sleep.
8) I leave his room, amazed at how easily he normally goes down.  (I really am amazed every time.)

Today I messed up the pages on the second book and turned to the last one too early.  I went back a few pages, but by that time Isaac had started pointing to his crib.  I wasn't moving fast enough because he had to point and point and point before I got him in.

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